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TEM Prep Services

Biological sample preparation for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is now being offered at the Arts & Sciences Imaging Center.  Services include sample fixation, embedding, sectioning, and staining.  Typically, researchers provide multiple samples to be processed and embedded in parallel.  Charges are per batch, with up to ten samples per batch (see Rate Table).  If sectioning is desired, individual blocks of embedded tissue will be cut to produce two EM grids per block.  Note that thick sectioning is necessary prior to thin sectioning.  If samples are unsatisfactory in thick sections, users will be notified so as to avoid charges for thin sectioning.  Staining of thin sections is offered as an additional option.  It is recommended that potential users contact Jim Begley to discuss a project prior to initiation.  Note that the A&S Imaging Center does not offer EM imaging, but these services are available from the Electron Microscopy Center from the College of Engineering.  Establishment of prep services was made possible through partial support from the Office of the VPR.